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I remember playing this game on steam. Didn’t know the game was on itch. Very nice!


Is this game for incels or intellectuals neat game



(1 edit)

why not both?


game good


I costed to play all the 10 episodes without any skip. However, I could not contain myself at the bonus level hihihihih~

Also, there was an alternative ending. I don't know how I could guess the "moves in the satanic carpet" without searching on the internet, but this doesn't matter, right?

Waiting for more incredible games like this.


Will it ever come to android


I can't answer your question but I would like to know why this was downvoted.


Because on nearly every itch game you see mfs begging for the game to be on android. Its annoying.


I don't see anyone begging here. All I see is someone wondering if a game they want to try is going to port to the main platform they use. If the answer is yes then they'd obviously want to know when. If the answer is no then they should obviously stop asking.

No ones begging here because everyone plays this game on steam, and its popularity fell off like a year ago.

Ah, okay.


More Helltaker Coming away, Next I play the DLC. The 1st anniversary bonus chapter. These puzzles were a lot harder than the last game I played.  

for some reason it showing this foreverr it wont start

press enter when on that screen

what if you press enter and it still doesn't change


Have done, still doesn't work...

press enter when on that screen

Amazing game, great art! This game is featured in my Top 5 for this week!

Take a look!


harem haram


You cannot get anything by writing haram like that.

joke man, joke


bruh what? i said it's a joke


This game was fun I was raging out in some puzzles, but I got through with the rest of the game okay lol. I'm looking forward to it if this series continues. 


So... Level IX is literally impossible, right? But I'm no quitter, so you wouldn't believe how long I actually tried it (ignoring Lucifer's advice...)


I thought the same (because of Lucifer's advice), but actually it is doable, although it is quite hard.


Wow, you're right! Thanks!

Yeah, it is really difficult. I spent too much time in it (almost 15 minutes, I think).

I tried a lot. I think I spend 15 minutes on it. And Lucifer's advices? Does she give advices? I thought that you could only skip levels with the "skip suffer" button. Lololololol


oh god i'm having a panic attack because I keep dying at the level with Judgement

whats the Linux Debian command line to play

Use a GUI file manager after `chmod +x helltaker_lnx.x86_64`

A full, pedantic session that assumes the .zip went into Downloads as it should:

cd Downloads

mkdir helltaker

mv helltaker

cd helltaker


chmod +x helltaker_lnx.x86_64


Don't rename the executable if you want to run ./hltkr or something rather than the original executable. Doesn't work. Instead:

ln -s helltaker_lnx.86_64 hltkr


can u add one for chrome os plzzzzzzzz

(1 edit)

you cant the only way to play it on a chromebook is to enable linux beta so you can play the linux version

Can anyone help when the game finishes downloading it shows "file not found". 

có việt sup ko nhỉ




Please 🙏 ad android


TYSM for sharing this amazing game on!

Can't wait for next comics, recipes and games. ❤️

BTW, I made a fan-edit of EXAMTAKER's Lucy and I thought I share it here, lol.


Actually, I love the way the game is played. It was a very nice puzzle game.


I did a full run of this game and HOoo was it a work out but I was glad to play it.


I played this on Steam but glad to see this on here, too.  Thanks!  

(1 edit)

I use mac but it is not letting me play it says "contact the administer of network and computer"

if your user is not a admin then youd need a admin user to enable you to run the game

(2 edits) (+5)(-2)

Anybody knows about future this universe? And I mean comics. Just right now we know what happening in the future. How will its affect for comics? Maybe vanripper commented this in the streams but i don't have time for view stream. Sorry for eng. and hello from russia

My computer won't let me play it :(


This is wonderful! I Love this.

(1 edit) (+5)(-6)

what File do i download for Chromebook?


why’d someone down vote thiz comment- <>_<>


All the downloads are clearly labeled and this game does not support chromeOS




you can manually install linux on your chromebook thats how i play just look up how to install linux on chrome book 


Helltaker doesn't run on ChromeOS. If you own the device fully you could enable the linux VM and give it a shot anyway

try linux its a bit more complicated than normal downloads though


i love this game


is this the latest version?

Yes it is.


i was playing it on my chromebook


Downloaded right away!

Thanks for releasing Helltaker, DRM-free, on!

Beel best girl

(1 edit) (+2)

Para quem quiser jogar em português, tradução pt-br disponível aqui. o/


Hi Łukasz! It's nice to see the game on itch now too. :) Last year you retweeted my BR Portuguese translation of Helltaker (now with Examtaker!), so I hope it's ok to drop the link to it here too. Happy anniversary and thank you for this update!

Awesome music, sound, art + I can't believe I actually made it through 💀

i can't download it

Probably the best game to come out of Poland.


Sad Total Tank Simulator noises

As a Polish person, I need to agree.

But I don't think it's an offense - after all, Helltaker is amazing game.


Fantastic artwork and gameplay. Music is also catchy and exciting.

Your game inspired me to make a fangame of my own (a Visual Novel type, since I wanted so long to make one, but couldn't for lacking experience.)

Keep up the good work m8


I agree!


Fun game with fantastic artwork and music!  To any new fans of the game: I highly recommend full completion of the game for the completion bonuses, then also check out the song remixes on Mittsies pages (YouTube or Bandcamp) and the four-panel webcomics on Łukasz' twitter (@vanripperart).


Thank you Łukasz, this was a delightful experience. The audio work is bloody phenomenal as well.

As much as the anniversary feels like a satisfying conclusion to the Helltaker story, I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t want to see more of these sharply dressed demonesses in your future works.

Actual mobile game when?



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